After letting Joe Girardi go not long after their ALCS defeat, the Yankees are still conducting a managerial search that may be described as "methodical to the point of anguish." Candidates abound, as do interviewees, but the club's high command has yet to name Girardi's successor. On that point, Jennifer Lopez -- J-Lo, if you're nasty -- has some thoughts ... 

As you're aware J-Lo is the girlfriend of former Yankee and all-time great Alex Rodriguez -- A-Rod, if you're nasty -- so in that sense the fix is in. Of course she's going to stump for her man. To be sure, there seems to be little chance of this happening, but if you've watched A-Rod in his analyst's role, then you've observed his deep love of the game and his surpassing knowledge of same. Baggage aside, the guy could probably be a useful big-league manager. J-Lo knows this, so she's sharing and agreeing. 

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People talk about lots of things on the internet. A-Rod as Yankees manager -- That would be one of those things that people talk about on the internet. I speak for no one but myself and everyone else when I say that A-Rod should be the Yankees' next manager.