Jameer Nelson no longer loves Supes.(Getty Images)

Jameer Nelson has had Dwight Howard's back for years. The point guard and All-Star center were teammates, and friends. Even last year, when Howard was incessantly talking about playing with other, better point guards despite Nelson having logged an All-Star season with the big man during the Magic's final run, Nelson wouldn't say negative things about Howard. He took all of it. The Dwightmare, the distractions, the questioning of his talent, the dismantling of a season, the impediment to his career. 

Howard's gone. And while Nelson is still taking the high road, in an interview with Magic.com, he made it clear that things are different for Nelson as far as his relationship with him. Nelson was asked who his favorite superhero is. 

"Well,’’ Nelson said as he paused for effect, ``it used to be Superman, but not anymore."

via Denton: Nelson Admits Howard Drama Impacted Him | THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE ORLANDO MAGIC.


That's taking an innocuous question and making a statement. Pro move. 

Nelson talked more about the nonsense last year. 

`"It was just one of those things from [Howard] that I never did understand, and I guess some things just aren’t meant for you to understand,’’ Nelson said. ``I just took the approach to play basketball wherever I was. I knew that I was still in Orlando last year for a reason and that the organization still wanted me here. Really, that helped me kind of get over all of the nonsense that was going around."

via Denton: Nelson Admits Howard Drama Impacted Him | THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE ORLANDO MAGIC.

Nelson was given a new contract this summer, and I can't say I think it was a smart move. His efficiency has been dragging as he has gotten older, and the team needs to invest in a full rebuild. Honestly, Nelson is a little too good for what the Magic need. But you can't deny his loyatly to the city and the team, and the fact that in the face of things that would make a lot of players check out and start running their mouth, he has just done his job. He stuck by Howard, who he said was his friend. 

But as the players are constantly reminded daily in the league, this is a business. And just for the owners and management who sign them, trade them, waive them, but also for each individual player, especially the stars out for themselves. 

Dwight Howard and the Los Angeles Lakers featuring Kobe Bryant, Steve Nash, and Pau Gasol kick off their season Oct. 30 vs. the Dallas Mavericks. Nelson and the Magic, featuring Arron Afflalo and Glen Davis being their season against Denver on Nov. 2. 

HT: OPP (yeah you know me.)