This time next week we'll be preparing for the first regular-season NBA game of the season, but for now we have a few more games to watch to become as informed as possible about the teams. Monday was a help as several teams were in action, most extending their starters' minutes in preparation of the season.

Below we have all the scores from the night, along with some things that we noticed.

NBA preseason scores for Monday, Oct. 8

Yep ... Steph still good

Yeah, in case you forgot ... Stephen Curry is pretty incredible. It's crazy to think he might not be the best offensive player on his own team, but he's doing his best to outplay Kevin Durant early this preseason. Curry has been on fire in two preseason games, and he looks poised to pick up where he left off last season before injuries sidelined him heading into the playoffs.

Curry finished with 23 points on 8-of-14 shooting, including 3-of-8 3-pointers.

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Kerr enjoys early exit

It takes quite a bit to get ejected from a preseason game, but Steve Kerr managed to do it -- and it looks like he didn't mind too much. On his way off the court he appeared to say, "I don't want to be here anyway" and waved goodbye. Poor Suns ... last year Kerr let his team coach themselves against Phoenix, and now this.

No soup for Blake

Blake Griffin had flashbacks to his legendary dunks over Timofey Mozgov and Kendrick Perkins, but Nets big man Jarrett Allen wasn't having it. Griffin rared back to throw down a vicious slam, but Allen came up with the clean rejection, much to the chagrin of the Detroit crowd.

Almost time for real games

With just over a week left until the regular season, coaches have started playing their starters more, which means we're getting games that look more and more like the real thing. Sixers point guard Ben Simmons hit the 30-minute mark in China, Pacers All-Star Victor Oladipo got up to 28 in Cleveland and Wizards starters John Wall, Bradley Beal and Otto Porter all hit the 27-minute mark. That means we occasionally get to see starters playing meaningful minutes in the fourth quarter, like this go-ahead 3-pointer in the final seconds from Nets guard D'Angelo Russell, who finished with 25 points in 31 minutes.

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Oh, the regular season is on its way.