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The NBA banned Clippers owner Donald Sterling for life and fined him a $2.5 million for making racially charged comments. 

Along with that, commissioner Adam Silver said the league would attempt to force a sale of the Clippers to remove him entirely from the league.

However, prior to the announcement, via Fox News, Sterling said he has no interest in selling the team.

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"He really didn't want to comment on the record," said Fox News contributor Jim Gray. "However, the team is not for sale and he will not be selling the team."

The league can force Sterling out, though. That would require three-fourths of the league's 30 owners voting in support of the action, under the bylaw if an owner acts "in such a way as to affect the [NBA] or its owners adversely."

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According to Yahoo Sports, the belief is Silver would have the votes necessary for such an action to happen. 

Will Donald Sterling be forced to sell the team? (USATSI)